Ozora X Nick G. Commemorative Model


Maple ken, Beech tama with Premium sticky paint and JKA nintei (approved) seal.

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OZORA X NICK G. || Nagai City Commemorative Model.

For the last year and a half, Nick Gallagher has worked in Yamagata Prefecture, Nagai City as part of the Regional Development Cooperation Corps. He contributed so much to our area and we wanted to show gratitude by making him this model.

Nick came to Nagai in November 2022 and has been working at Kendama Hiroba Spike, and through countless performances, classes, events, competitions, festivals, Nick has helped spread the beauty of kendama far and wide.

This project been something that we have been discussing with Nick since around when he first arrived here, and we are happy to finally make it a reality.

This kendama is competition certified, meaning it can be used in all JKA competitions around Japan! Nick designed every little detail so please read below to see the specs.

After Nick returns to America, he will be starting up his own enterprise with his brother Zack, in hopes to benefit the kendama world like never before.

We are very honored that Nick, one of the worlds best kendama players, chose Nagai City’s Regional Development Cooperation Corps as his first job after graduating from university. We hope that he will continue to use the experience he gained to achieve much, much more.

Product: Nick G Commemorative Model (standard JKA shape)
Ken: Maple
Tama: Beech
Paint: Premium Sticky Paint

OZORA NICK.G 長井市在任記念モデル 発売!!

山形県長井市地域おこし協力隊として、私たちの地元長井市を大いに盛り上げてくださって @nickgallagher42 氏。長井市在任記念モデルを発売いたします。

今後は祖国米国に戻り、ご兄弟の @zack_gallagher 氏とともに新たな事業を計画しているとのこと。けん玉世界一の実力を持つNick氏に大学卒業後、初めての仕事に長井市の地域おこし協力隊を選んでもらったことはとても光栄なことで、ぜひ、これからもこの経験を糧にしながら、様々な分野での活躍していただきたいと思います。

材質:玉→ブナ けん→イタヤカエデ