Ozora – Light Blue


Standard glossy paint, ~18cm, comes with extra string and user guide. Beech ken, Cherry tama

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Kendama Wood

Beech – The wood is medium to heavyweight.  It has good strength properties and high abrasion resistance; used in carpentry, furniture, parquet flooring.

Japanese Cherry – The wood is moderately hard, strong and medium weight. It is moderately dense, very pliable used in furniture and flooring.

Keyaki – (Japanese Zelkova) The wood has a beautiful grain that makes it desirable for woodworking. It is a hard, heavy and dense wood.  It is used often for furniture, such as tansu (mobile storage cabinet), as well as taiko drums.  It is a very important tree in Japan and is the symbol of various Japanese cities and prefectures.

Enjuki – (Japanese Pagoda Tree) The wood is tough, light, strong, and of superior quality.  It is used in carpentry, sculptures (including those for Buddhist temples), and bonsai as well as traditional Chinese medicine.

Japanese Maple – The wood is dense and less pliable.  It is used in cabinetmaking, decorative plywood, decorative veneer, flooring, and furniture.