Terra Mix Matched #12


Max Angel Pro Beech tama with bearing, Purpleheart & Rubberwood Kōchō shape ken

*Tama = 85g; Ken = 81g; 62mm diameter

Out of stock

SKU: terraMM12 Category:


We were fortunate to snag some pretty nice parts from Terra & KUSA and were able to weigh and put together a few sweet setups.  There is only 1 of this setup.  These are packaged in clear plastic boxes.

Terra Mix Matched #12 Features:

  • Max Angel Pro mod tama with bearing
  • Purpleheart & Rubberwood Kōchō shape ken
  • Terra string pack with extra bearing
  • stickers
  • *Tama = g; Ken = g; 62mm diameter

*shop scale results; weight readings can vary between devices