Legend Shape Triple Stripe – Aqua


Legend Shape Beech ken, 62mm Beech tama with Sticky Clear paint

1 in stock

SKU: sweetsLS3strpaqu Category:


A modern take on Classic kendama design!

The Triple Stripe is an iconic part of tama design and we wanted to give it a fresh update for our 5th Classics series.  These kendamas are designed with tracking and playability at the forefront. The low stripes and top dot means you’ll always know which way the bevel is facing no matter how much the tama is flipping around.

Full beech construction means that this kendama will get honed quick, and Sticky Clear means that it will be perfect for landing new tricks.


  • KEN
    • Legend Shape (LS)
    • Beech
    • MASSIVE Balance Bevel in base cup
    • Sweets LS engraving
  • TAMA
    • 62mm
    • Beech
    • Sticky Clear
    • Metal Spinner Bead
    • Replacement String
    • Sweets stickers