01 Roland Art Glass – INFO

Roland Art Glass: Roger Roland


ローランド アート グラス

コンテンポラリー/トラディショナル 吹きガラス彫刻

ローランド・アートグラスはグラス作家ロジャー・ローランドの完全手作りで作られる創造性に富んだ作品です。1971年以来グラスアート界に於ける先駆者の一人として、現代グラスアート、伝統的手法、そして金銀等の貴金属のそれぞれ積み重ねた知識と経験を融合した作品を世に送り出してきました。ローランドス タジオにおいて厳格な品質基準をクリアしたもののみ、サイン、日付が刻み込まれた後、最高品質のハンドメイド吹きガラスとして販売されております。

作者 ロジャー・ローランドから皆様へご挨拶

ムラーノの伝統的なグラスアートがアドリア海のキラメキから影響を受けたと同様に、アイダホ山脈の色彩と繊細な光が、 魅力的、個性的そして価値のある作品を生み出そうとする私の意欲に対して多大な影響を与えています。

魅力的なグラス作りは ケイ土、金属酸化物、フラックス等身近にある物質からつくられます。これらの物質は欠かせないものであり、またハイレベルの技術を必要とします。現在私の作品は国内外の美術館や個人のコレクションとしてお楽しみ頂いております。




A note from artist, Roger Roland:

A long-time fascination with a glass horse purchased on a trip to Murano, Italy, sparked my interest in fluid glass art.  Years later, while watching the rhythmic light trails of molten glass illuminate an evening sky in Hawaii; my attention was again focused on this ancient creative artistry.

Earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Glass from the University of Hawaii, teaching at the University of California, Los Angeles, and forming a joint studio/production enterprise, Roland R. Correia in 1973, gave me totally new avenues for discovering techniques and processes.  Production considerations eventually eclipsed experimentation.  The lure of the Idaho Rockies prevailed.  The easy pace of mountain living gave me time to work with beveled glass, engraving techniques, design, and drawing.  My new studio and furnaces offer the perfect environment for experimentation with gold, silver, and other design techniques.

Just as the sparkling Adriatic influenced the glass artistry of Murano, the mountain hues and delicate lighting become effects which I try to emulate as the molten ingredients coalesce to become pleasing, unique, and useful objects d’art.

The mystery of glass creation is based on earthly substances; silica sands, metallic oxides, and fluxes.  Encouraging these ingredients to cooperate offers the real challenge of the techniques of actual glass-blown creations.  My pieces are currently gracing the collections of museums and individuals both here and abroad.

Thank you for your interest in my creations.  I trust that they will grace your collection for many years to come.

Roger M. Roland

Sun Valley, Idaho


Roland Art Glass is truly unique, as each piece is still conceived, created, and signed by glass artist Roger M. Roland, entirely by his hands.  A leader in creative art glass since 1971, Roland merges his contemporary glass knowledge, traditional skills and often precious metals (gold and silver), into each piece.

Roland Art Glass is in many permanent museum and individual collections worldwide including:

  • Corning Museum of Glass
  • The White House Collection
  • Katie Coruic (national news caster)
  • Dave Winfield (NY Yankees)
  • Brooke Shields (actress)
  • Dupont residence Sun Valley
  • Rick “Cheech” Marin (actor)
  • Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (basketball)
  • Lou Adler
  • Kenny Rogers (singer)
  • Mick Jagger (singer)
  • Connie Stevens (singer, actress)

Roland Art Glass has also been shown at various exhibitions including:

  • Smithsonian Museum, Renwick Gallery, Tiffany Exhibition – Washington DC
  • One Man Show – Aspen, Colorado
  • Vancouver Art Gallery – Vancouver British Columbia, Canada
  • Exhibition of Hawaiian Artists – Honolulu, Hawaii
  • California Polytechnic State University – San Louis Obispo, California
  • Beverly Hills Art Show – Beverly Hills, California
  • National Crafts Showroom, Exhibiting Artist – New York, New York

. . . and many others.